• Introduce the purpose and benefits of a Quality Management System, evolution of the ISO 9001 series of standards, the continuing development process of these standards and key ISO 9001 related concepts and terminology
• The 8 Quality Management Principles, their application and potential benefits
• Explain the structure, purpose, Overview and interrelationship of ISO 9000, ISO 9001, ISO 9004 and ISO 19011 and the difference between auditable standards and guidance documents.
• Discuss and explain the requirements of the ISO 9001 on a clause-by clause basis, and its relationship with ISO 9004 and the 8 Quality
• Management Principles to enhance understanding
• Explain the value of documentation, the documentation flexibility and circumstances of exclusion of the ISO 9001 requirements and the Process-based Quality Management system Model.
• Describe the certification/registration and accreditation processes, types of audits (1st, 2nd and 3rd party) and the differences between legal compliance and conformance with ISO standards.
• How to develop and use key audit tools like Matrix of Requirements, Process approach Audit Checklist & Audit Plan, CAR to enable “value added” QMS audit
• How to plan and prepare, conduct, report and follow-up QMS audits based on the “Process Approach” & “PDCA” audit Trail. Discuss various Audits
• Methodology, Audit Psychology, Questioning Techniques, Roles and Responsibility to collect and analyze evidence, exercise objectivity and make decisions on the significance of findings made in accordance to relevant audit criteria.
• Local requirements, culture, practices or approaches to auditing and the application of ISO 9001, as appropriate for each country in which the course is being presented.
• Outline Exemplar Global Auditor Certification requirements